TMGC Picture Gallery 

Pictures from the monthly meeting, Ice Cream Social, and
Tech Session held during August 2001

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Meeting8-1-01.jpg (20131 bytes)

Meeting at Paul's house

Meeting(2)8-1-01.jpg (35857 bytes)

Yeah, it sure is yellow!

Augsocial-1.jpg (13077 bytes)

Ice Cream social start

Augsocial-2.jpg (23367 bytes)

At Dan Kirby's business in Portsmouth

Augsocial-5.jpg (16499 bytes)

Waiting to go

Augsocial-3.jpg (28732 bytes)

At Cosmo's Diner

Augsocial-4.jpg (25598 bytes)

More food & merriment

Tech-no people.jpg (33396 bytes)

007 at the Tech Session

Tech-bungwrench.jpg (25689 bytes)

Barry & Bob examine a bung(?) wrench

Tech-removal.jpg (26718 bytes)

Removing Frank's windscreen

Tech-install-1.jpg (27776 bytes)

Setting a new one in place

Tech-install-2.jpg (25430 bytes)

Easy does it

Tech-install-3.jpg (29455 bytes)

The last one is always the hardest